GYSO Drawing Part 22 - Hangman
Published: 2019-12-22
You’re not gonna believe this.
Well, actually… This is GYSO, its pretty par for the course, all things considered.
Either way, we’ve reached a new low and decided that we’re literally going to play hangman for this post. As in, we played hangman and took screenshots of the “game play” so that we could put it into the post.
As in you’re going to watch two idiots play hangman through a series of pictures. You won’t be involved in any way. You might not even be able to follow along with who is guessing what. Its seriously the worst possible idea for a blog post, and I’ve only just now figured that out.
I mean really? Hangman? What were we thinking? What are we thinking? I have the power to stop this and yet I keep typing.
Just… Here. The first set of hangman hanging is with Thor guessing the letters and me snickering because he can’t find the answer.
Imagine going to a ventriloquist show while deaf. That’s what this post is. Fuck.
What went right?
>“Hey I burned my right hand so I can only type with my left hand rn just so u know” - Tim
>“Is it me or you that’s intellectually challenged here? Genuinely curious.” -Thor
>“Can you get your skills on, because I forgot mine at home.” -Thor
>“Oh, wow, it really does just go on and on” -Unattributed
>“You’ll hate it even though you’ve never read it” -Unattributed
>“GYSO hurts to read” -Asshole
>“Can I recommend therapy?” -Tim
>“It’s like the old Chinese proverb; a pillow made out of your own shit is the most comfortable one” -Thor
>“There’s so little content in there, it might as well not exist.” -Unattributed
>“We actually pay to host this stuff, you know.”
>“I’m worried that Get Your Skills On will be my magum opus” -Tim
What went wrong?
>“Android is malware and GNU is one of it’s kernels” -Thor
>“I think of hate when I’m in an Ohio state of mind.” -Unattributed Artificial Intelligence
>“At this point, GYSO is not even trying to deflect with humor, it’s just deflecting it outright.” -Unattributed
>“If I started taking GYSO seriously, I would have to take myself seriously, too.” -Unattributed
on the topic of what GYSO is like: >“It’s like someone just came out from rehab for cocaine usage and the second he gets outside people just start offering cocaine” -Tim
>“Was post 16 you proving that you’re good enough for GYSO?” -Tim
>“Jag vrider aktivt mina personlighetsdrag och beteenden i ett sätt för att undvika människor, social kontakt, öppenhet och intimitet” -Thor
>“I’m a M E L O N F E L O N”
>“Get Your Skills On: Learn Your Socks Off”
>“No, I never did read more than half of the first post” -My friends
>“You run a blog?” –Thor
>“Welcome to the GYSO Drawing update part 4! Thor died.” -Tim
>“Yeah sure, write it in, no one will read it anyways” -Both of us
>“Pick a topic both are interested in. Put in significant effort to become an expert at said topic” -The original GYSO brainstorming document
>“Awesome Skill Blog” -A top contender name from previously mentioned brainstorming document
>“I’ve got the best idea for a thumbnail image” -Tim
What happens next?
No matter how much I scrub I will never be clean of this post.