GYSO Reviews Part 21 - No Refunds Available
Published: 2023-08-27
The Good
Tim: Hey Thor what’s that Squirtle doing? Oh god it’s raising the barametric pressure and we’re all gonna die.
Thor: Hey Tim, how’s it doing that?
Tim: Idk man it was your idea fuck off.
Thor: Could you explain to our readers why we decided to false-start THE SECOND EVER GYSO INTERVIEW?
Tim: We’ve known this guy for as long as we’ve known eachother. So be nice, you robots.
The Bad
The Everything Else
Thor: Can I just start with my first question?
Luke: Is that the first question?
Tim: I’m the one asking questions here.
Thor: We’re off to a great start.
Tim: What is your social security number?
Luke: Uh. I don’t have one. Damn Americans.
Thor: What do you call your equivlant?
Luke: I don’t know what, but we use other things to identify ourselves.
Thor: That’s sensitive information! Could you at least encrypt that in ROT13?
Luke: Nah man they just send it over email in PDF, mate.
Tim: What is the next big thing in tech?
Luke: Have you ever tried making a PBJ sandwhich with a 3D printer?
Tim: Can’t say I have.
Luke: While riding a self-driving unicycle on mars. That’s probably the future. Although if I had my way, I would have a quantum powered toaster that comminicates with your pet goldfish and translates its thoughts into inteerprited dance.
Thor: Why is this such a passion for you?
Luke: I’m a really big fan of dance and bread that has been toasted. I want my pet to feel included. He gets really ansty when left alone; he gets a butterfly knife up to the glass and threatens me with it. I have to keep him happy.
Tim: You saying having a goldifsh ‘included’ with a toaster makes me something else besides interpritive dance.
Tim: Why do you do these things to me?
Luke: Can you elaborate on what ‘these things’ are?
Tim: No!
Luke: I suppose I would have to talk about the meaning of existance. It’s like finding a needle in a haystack in the middle of a bunch of rainbow colored spaghetti.
Thor: This is bad.
Tim: Yeah let’s just end the interview.
Luke: What I’m trying to say, the pineapples do these things.
Thor: I’m out.
Tim: Please.
Luke: I guess I could find a way to please you both, but it’d be pretty hard.
Thor: What have you got to lose??
Luke: A shitty dead-end job. So, not much.
Tim: What a straight answer.
Thor: Not even your family, not even your friends…
Luke: I’m unfamiliar with the term ‘friends’. Oh wait! You mean the TV show. I’m sure they have that in hell.
Tim: Do you have a strong mental association to the word ‘wizard’?
Luke: I think you broke me.
Thor: Do I need to spell it out for you?
Tim: Yeah. W-I-Z-A-R-D.
Luke: *Silence*
Luke: …What?
Luke: No…?
Tim: What Pokemon did you turn into in Pokemon Mystery Dungeon?
Luke: Oh shit. Let me go get my DS.
Thor: See ya in 30 years. He actually dies in the other room lol.
Luke: I actually have my old save. It’s just booting up right now.
Thor: Damn it.
Luke: Explorers of Sky. I was a Squirtle.
Tim: Holy shit we mentioned Squirtle in the first paragraph. I swear that wasn’t planned.
Luke: We are in sync in the corporeal realm that is unknown to the common yellow.
Thor: Why are you like this? (That’s one of my questions, by the way.)
Luke: I spent my formative years as a child with you two fucks. I just come out with non-sequiters and watch people’s brains short circut.
Tim: I’m starting to think I’m a bad influence.
Thor: I’m so glad we have each other. Tim doesn’t know what it’s like, he doesn’t meet any other people.
Thor: Can you get your skills on? I forgot mine at home.
Luke: I have a spare actually!
Thor: Thanks.
Thor: What’s your favourite thing about GYSO?
Tim: Not reading it, probably.
Luke: I really liked when you were actually trying to draw, before what could only be described as ‘early warning signs for psychopathic tendancies’.
Thor: In what ways would you say that Thor is the better GYSO member?
Luke: That’s a really tough one, considering that the bar is so low… I’d say, probably, you’re better because the name ‘Thor’ is better. You hear ‘Tim’ and you think of a buisness man in a suit.
Thor: Oh, you’re thinking of our accountant dragon Snag’darr.
Luke: Are you going to compensate financially for the psychoanalytic help I need after this?
Thor: laghs
Tim: What is your opinion on socks?
Luke: I mean, they’re pretty good, because you know what happens when you don’t wear socks. I’m going to send a picture, and you gotta put it on the blog.
Tim: No.
Thor: Have you heard?
Tim: Man these questions suck ass.
Luke: You sound really far away, I can’t hear you.
Thor: … have you heard?
Luke: Sorry I’m having trouble hearing you.
Thor: HAVEN’T you heard???
Luke: Yes.
Thor: Thank you, finally.
Tim: Are you here, or are we just hearing a very well timed recording?
Luke: in a monotone voice THAT’S A GREAT QUESTION THOR. I have to say my greatest achievement is keeping in contact with you two for all these years. End of side B, please turn over to side B.
Thor: What happens next?
Luke: I’ll probably be dead by 2024, so not much really.
Thor: I hate it when that happens.
Tim: Wow what a downer. Not that I disagree.
Thor: I don’t know what I’m more interested in about that; the way you die, or the fact that you’ll be dead.
Luke: It IS going to be the CIA. I know what happened to JFK. *more incoherent rambling*
Thor: What does it feel like to be a part of GYSO?
Luke: I feel like the main character from the movie ‘Split’. Diverging into multiple different personalities, and one of them is ‘The Beast’ who is immune to bullets.
Thor: What’s your interests?
Luke: My main interest is discovering conspiracies within the CIA. Also crochet.
Tim: What’s your interest rates?
Luke: I don’t look when I sign anything. So I have no clue.
Thor: Is there a question you would like to ask us?
Luke: When do I get payed?
Thor: I can answer this immediately. You don’t.
Tim: Have you SEEN us review our finances?
Thor: Who, or what, is your favorite GYSO character that isn’t Tim or Thor?
Luke: Thim.
Thor: Can you draw a box for us?
Luke: Yeah yeah yeah.
Tim: You’re going to have to send that as an e-mail to me.
Luke: Watch watch watch, watch.
*watching Luke draw a box*
Tim: Will you answer this question with ‘no’?
Luke: No.
Tim: Just dig into the paradox, fuck it.
Thor: If you could co-review something on GYSO, what would you like to review?
Luke: We should review website design of Bad Dragon.
Thor: What’s Bad Dragon?
Thor: I wonder if this says more about me or about you guys…
Tim: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Thor: Hypotethical: A person you find attractive starts talking to you. What do you do?
Luke: Well that’s just unrealistic. I don’t need to think about this, because it won’t happen. Or it’s a robot on a dating app.
Tim: What is Busy Beaver 69?
Luke: I imagine it’s a beaver, who’s really busy, and as aschieved the rank of 69.
Thor: Please answer in Jeapordy form: This man came about as a mistake from a disease.
Luke: I never watched Jeopardy. Who is Thor?
Thor: I didn’t think I would feel disappointed and sad about that, but I do.
Tim: It had to be one of us.
Thor: The answer, of course, is Tim Thim!
Thor: What’s your number one tip for keeping plants happy? I just got some new flower pots.
Luke: You know how some poeple have green thumbs? I have brown thumbs. A plant will see me and just wilt.
Thor: It’s all good with you being ugly and all, but you don’t have to put your thumbs up your ass.
Tim: Talk about a withing glare.
Tim: How did you like the interview?
Luke: What was the question? I wasn’t listening.
The Conclusions
Thor: It was all a dream. The Edn.